

Morality has restricted all the juice and energy of life to the narrow confines of this woman's mind.
It can't flow there, so she really has become 'a dried up old prune.'
Her whole manner is very proper and stiff and severe, and she is always ready to see every situation as black and white, like the jewel she wears around her neck.
The Queen of Clouds lurks in the minds of all of us who have been brought up with rigid ideas of good and bad, sinful and virtuous, acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral.
It's important to remember that all these judgments of the mind are just products of our conditioning.
And whether our judgments are applied to ourselves or to others, they keep us from experiencing the beauty and godliness that lies within. Only when we break through the cage of our conditioning and reach the truth of our own hearts can we begin to see life as it really is.